LARC delivers its services based on each individual’s needs and life wishes. Every attempt is made to break through the “one-size-fits-all” method of programming to offer individualized lifestyle and service selection. The foundation for this approach is based on the fundamental belief in the self-worth of every person.
As a person-centered agency, we strive to:
Have a clear mission and purpose, and live our mission
Listen to people
Ensure a culture of caring
Recognize and reward best practices
Train, support, and value direct support professionals
Focus and build on interests, gifts, and capacities
Provide education, experience, and exposure to facilitate informed choices and valued social roles
Open doors to community associations, groups, clubs, churches, recreational opportunities, businesses, and services
Coordinate services around the individual rather than around the needs of the staff or program
Focus on the relationship between environment and behavior
Consider the individual’s satisfaction with his or her activities, supports, and services as the most important quality assurance review